My Dream Classroom

 Parent's note: Below is a piece written by Shaivi, to be submitted as part of her homework.

I do not like school. School is always so boring, and the teachers are mostly strict. But, I would like to go to school if a few changes were made. Here is how I would want my classroom to be.

It would be fun if there were no school uniform, and the desks floating in the air. There would be a wooden box attached to the desk so that we could keep our bags, and ladders to go to the desks. There would be a huge black cloud instead of a blackboard, and 10 colours of never ending chalk. The desks would have a section inside which had a supply of things that were needed for crafts, paintings, some books, and other boredom busters. The walls would be decorated with jokes and riddles that changed every day.

I wish that when Coronavirus would be over and schools will have started, the classrooms would transform something like this.

Manuscript of Shavi's essay

(I hope the teachers are listening)

Magic LED Bulb

Tales of Tricks and Treats

Thea Stilton and The Mystery in Paris


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