Exam Times: Class 10

             My elder daughter is going for her board exams.

            Not long time ago, she was the bundle of joy gurgling in my lap. But right now, she is a bundle of nervous energy and anxiety awaiting the end of February, for her exams are set to start on the 27th day of the second month in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty Three. I see the nervous anxiety written on her face, and I can only quote the erstwhile Prime Minister of our neighbour country.

            “These are exciting times,” Mr Imran Khan had said (on the day Russia sent the first batch of missiles to Ukraine).

            No missiles will be coming in the life of my precious. Aadya has prepared well, and will perform as well as she deserves, and that will be enough to launch her into her future. She will also simultaneously perform better as well as worse than her own expectations, for this is her first of many competitive examinations, and even her best preparation will not make her fully ready for everything that there is to be prepared. I know that she will face the examinations well, and will make me proud – for my pride is not dependent on the results, but on the act of approaching the examinations.


‘Karmanye va dhikarasthe,

Ma faleshu kadachana’

(The effort is your right, not the result)

-        ­Mahabhaarat


            I want her to focus on the process, and to enjoy every moment of it.

            And I want to gift my recipe for this process to my daughter.

            Dear Aadya, it is always important to follow a method for every important event in one’s life. The scriptures had used this technique by invoking the spirit of the gods, and it worked in the same way. It channelises the inner energy and the memory for the bringing out the best in you so that you can perform as per your abilities.

            Set up a routine, and follow it to letter and spirit.

            It is important to get up well in time, and for that it is of utmost importance to sleep in time. Your mind works best after a period of rest, so give it the nourishment it needs. Sleep in time, and try not to change the place and condition of your sleep. In case it does not work out – never mind, but you must try to sleep well. No need to study late nights.

            Once awake, have a happy place to go to. Do not let your exam schedule, or a message from your friend in the mobile, distract you from what is intended to be a perfect day. Keep the phone at least three feet away from the farthest point from your bed – placing it in another room will be even better. Think of at least three things that you are thankful for, and try to feel the gratitude for these three things. You are blessed to be living in this wonderful world with wonderful set of people, and you are truly blessed to be granted this opportunity of proving to the world and yourself that you deserve to be called a tenth grader.

            Leave the bed, attend the daily toilet, and set up some time with nature. You are lucky to have a garden (it is in a pitiable condition, I agree, but at least it is green, and hosts some dogs, cats, squirrels, toads and peacocks), go out and smell the grass, water the plants, and chase some squirrels.

            Have a fixed routine for getting up, eating, bathing, and going to exams. Ensure that you are ready well in time even on the days that you do not have the exams. Bathing is important, as is praying or meditating, and a nice time to pray or meditate is immediate after bath.

            You may want to study, to revise, or to discuss problems with your friends and teachers. Irrespective of your desire, ensure that you are constantly communicating with your friends, teachers and family members. I promise you that they will get after your nerves, yet they all mean well – humour them, for they want the best for you.

            Do you like music? Great, spend time with your favourite tunes.

            Do you like television? Too bad, they will distract you. Avoid the screen.

            Do you like WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube? Too bad, avoid them.

            Do you feel the yearning to check your social media account every now and then? Lock your phone, or give it to you mother, or to your worst friend, with instruction that these should be allowed for not more than 15 minutes at a time, and not more than twice a day, and not within three hours of either getting up or going to bed.

            Eat well, sleep well, prepare well.

            What about examinations and results?

            Don’t worry. Take care of the basics at your end. The exams and the results will take care of themselves.

            This is just the beginning. You are destined many bigger things – bigger successes, bigger failures, bigger experiences, bigger choices, and a bigger destiny.


Tu shaheen hai, parvaj hai kaam tera;

Tere saamne aasman aur bhi hai.

(You are the eagle; it is your job to soar high, and explore the world that lies beyond the skies)

-        Iqbaal


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