The Bat and I
A bat came to visit me last night. I was half asleep when I was awakened by the whirring sound of wings in a dimly lit room. The television was the only source of light. The comedy on the television had started to lull me into bored dizziness when my senses were suddenly heightened by this sound. I squinted to find something moving above in the space between the ceiling and the mosquito–net. The house I currently live in is an old bungalow dating to the British India which has been done up multiple times in the past to make it breath-taking to look at but barely liveable. It has high wooden ceiling which drip during monsoon, but certainly do not allow the entry of bats on a regular basis. I wondered how this creature of the night got inside. I did not get much time to worry about. The bat was flying in the room in an oval orbit, with the centre around two feet above my head. I was safe inside the mosquito net, but it was flying irritatingly close to my head. It was making f...
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