Some amazing products that I encourage my children to use: Affiliate links
My children love reading. They also love painting, and playing. I am often asked about where and how to get some of the things that my children are fond of using. I decided to create a complete post where I can share some links of the things that I recommend. The links provided below are clickable links which will take you to a merchant website. Most of the products will also have a substitute, and I encourage you to look for alternatives, and opt for the best rated or the most cost effective ones. 1. Chronicles of Narnia complete set 2. Percy Jackson complete set 3. Amish Ramchandra series 4. Amish Shiva Trilogy 5. Hats, Hoods and Humiliation by Hiranya Verma 6. Camlin Kokuyo artist paint brush set 7. Camel Premium poster colours 8. Cello ColourUp colour pencil set 9. Kindle paperwhite 10. ...