Conversing with telephone
“You are a sorted person.” A lady I had befriended a few months earlier surprised me one pleasant evening by calling me up, and we were in the phase of catching up and recalling good qualities about each other when she shot the above words which challenged my very notion of grasp of the English language. She went on to explain that she felt I was very clear in my thoughts, did not have any airs, and did not behave as though I needed to convert every acquaintance into a profitable opportunity. While she did not use these exact words, I translated the sentiments to suit my ego. I never discussed the above conversation with my daughters. I never got the time. Shaivi, my younger daughter, has a very peculiar style of conversing with me – she starts talking incessantly on a topic till she runs out of things to say, and while I think about what to say in reply, she shifts to a completely new topic with equal fervour and gusto. She has not allowed physical distance to change her styl...